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Special Report

Lower your blood pressure naturally and get even better “rockiness” than ever before -- WITHOUT pills.

If you're one of the millions of men taking medication for high blood pressure, this will be the most important report you will ever see.

My name is Matt Cook and in this report I will show you:

  • How a natural blood pressure treatment can add decades to your life...
  • How avoiding blood pressure pills may be the best move you ever make -- so that you have great erections and a healthy heart NATURALLY without pills...
  • And how most men can easily have great blood pressure and great erections even if they were formerly on multiple blood pressure medications...

It's all thanks to this key discovery that naturally lowers blood pressure and raises penile blood flow.

This discovery works just like the medications, but without any of the dangerous side effects...

But before I explain exactly how this incredible natural remedy works, I need to show you how blood pressure pills are hurting men's erections:

There are five types of medications that doctors like to prescribe to treat high blood pressure in men:

  • ACE inhibitors
  • Alpha blockers
  • Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs)
  • Beta blockers
  • Calcium channel blockers

All of these medications can and do lower blood pressure... but at what cost?

For instance, let's take a look at ACE inhibitors like lisinopril, benazepril, and enalapril...

ACE inhibitors top the list of the most common blood pressure drugs.

And they're also one of the most common causes of ED, especially when combined with other drugs.

Most men are on more than one medication at a time, and when you combine ACE inhibitors with any other drug, even another blood pressure drug, ED is bound to happen.

And even if men don't get ED from taking ACE inhibitors for high blood pressure, there are even scarier side effects, if you can believe it...

You see, almost all men who take ACE inhibitors develop a cough...

And now shockingly, scientists are saying that this cough may turn into lung cancer...

And using ACE inhibitors for more than 5 years only increases the chances of getting lung cancer from these drugs...

Major publications like Forbes have been sounding the alarm:

I have spoken with many men who have been taking ACE inhibitors for many years, and they are now thinking twice about this nagging cough...

Millwright, a man in his 50's, is one of millions of men reporting these major health problems from ACE inhibitors....

First, it was the cough... a hacking, stubborn cough with lots of phlegm...

Then he was so tired all the time, like he was perpetually hungover from an all-night bender.

He couldn't even walk up the stairs in his house without getting shaky and needing to sit down.

It was like Millwright had aged 20 years since taking the pills.

Now he feels like he's sitting on death row, awaiting his last meal...

He's just waiting for the other shoe to drop, and for the doctor to tell him, "You have lung cancer."

All from a pill that was just supposed to lower his blood pressure...

Lisinopril is one of the most worrying ACE inhibitors.

In a shocking study where rats were given lisinopril for just 6 weeks, the drug caused cell and tissue death in the liver:

The lisinopril also elevated the enzymes in the liver which is a clear marker for cancer...

And it's not just ACE inhibitors with a link to cancer...

Let's also look at angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) like losartan and valsartan...

ARBs used to treat high blood pressure have also been linked to cancer:

And when ACE inhibitors and ARBs are used together, they can cause left ventricular dysfunction... otherwise known as heart failure.

Especially in people who have already undergone cardiac surgeries.

ARBs can damage the arteries by causing hardening and blockages, which in turn can lead to heart attack, stroke, even death...

Recently, a Chinese pharmaceutical wholesaler realized that valsartan was made with a well-known carcinogen called NDMA.

NDMA has been used in rocket fuel, and just the smallest amount has been proven to cause cancer in numerous animal studies.

And you know what kind of cancer NDMA causes?

Liver cancer. Along with kidney cancers and gastrointestinal cancers.

The FDA has finally started recalling valsartan, and the drug company will have to pay out hundreds of millions of dollars in settlements...

But that's just a drop in the bucket to these companies, in an industry that will exceed $1.2 trillion by 2022.

This valsartan settlement will be forgotten and replaced by the next big drug settlement.

Like Benicar, another ARB for high blood pressure.

Big Pharma is having to pay out a $300 million settlement for people taking Benicar because it makes people severely ill with chronic diarrhea.

They suddenly stop being able to digest food and start losing tons of weight, until they are basically dying from malnutrition.

The FDA had to issue a warning:

But that was it. They didn't even remove Benicar from the shelves.

They just add a little warning label to the drug's packaging where it joins the dozens of other adverse side effect warnings and risks.

Alpha blockers like tamsulosin, doxazosin, and amoxapine come with their own list of worrying side effects...

One of the most worrying side effects is stroke:

Alpha blockers lower pressure, but they do it so drastically and so suddenly, that it risks causing a stroke in men over 50.

And this drastic change in blood pressure can also make men black out when they stand up.

You finish a meal, push your chair back, and the next moment you're on a paramedic gurney.

What happened? You blacked out and fell.

It's a very common side effect of alpha blockers that nobody is talking about.

And it's responsible for literally millions of hospital admissions, broken hips, and concussions each year.

What good is a blood pressure medication if it makes you fall and break your hip and die of an infection in the hospital?

And what kind of life is even worth living if you're no longer having great sex, or sex at all anymore?

Because alpha blockers have also been shown to cause ED:

And alpha blockers can make existing ED symptoms worse, until a man loses the ability to get an erection at all anymore.

Something similar happens with the other two common types of blood pressure medications: beta blockers and calcium channel blockers...

Common beta blockers are atenolol, metoprolol, and propranolol.

And there are many studies linking these blood pressure drugs to ED:

Beta blockers lower blood pressure by interfering with the nervous system and blocking the chemicals that cause high blood pressure in the body...

But this can also interfere with other parts of the nervous system, like the parts responsible for producing erections...

So men on beta blockers for high blood pressure may suddenly lose the ability to get an erection.

And they may struggle to get an erection for weeks, months, even years after using beta blockers for high blood pressure.

Calcium channel blockers like amlodipine, diltiazem, and verapamil can also cause ED in men:

Calcium channel blockers block calcium from entering the bloodstream, the cells, and the heart...

But they can also block peptides which are responsible for pleasure and sensation during sex.

So men get stuck choosing between high blood pressure or chronic, sometimes permanent erectile dysfunction.

And that's why Big Pharma goes to great lengths to bury these medical studies showing the adverse effects of blood pressure pills...

The drug companies want men like me and you to stay on the pills, so their companies stay rich and profits stay high.

Drug patents last about 20 years. And Big Pharma has shown it will do practically anything to sell a drug in that 20-year period...

Then when the studies finally come out showing the terrible side effects of these drugs like cancer and stroke and even death, the drug companies just make some quick cash settlements...

And those cash settlements are just tiny drops into one massive bucket. Then they're already onto the next drug...

So why didn't my doctor warn me about these blood pressure pills?

The truth is, it's not the doctor's fault.

Big Pharma has taken over medical schools and medicine. Doctors are taught to push pills.

Remember, fixing blood pressure naturally doesn't sell more pills...

And selling pills is the only thing Big Pharma cares about, not men's health, or else they wouldn't keep pushing such terrible drugs on us.

One of my daughter's friends used to work at the front desk in a cardiology practice, and she told me the craziest thing about pharmaceutical companies...

Apparently they send representatives to every doctor's office in America almost every single day to push their drugs on prescribing doctors...

The Big Pharma sales reps even go so far as to bribe the doctors and medical staff with free lunches and fancy dinners, just to get more of their drugs sold.

But as you've just seen, these drugs are doing terrible things to men's bodies and sex lives.

And when men bring this problem up to their doctor, he just tells them it is "a part of getting older, nothing to worry about...nothing you can do about it."

The doctor is ready to write another prescription for yet another pill, a concept called polypharmacy.

But as far as I am concerned, I don't want to end up in the medical rathole, taking eight or nine different pills every day...

I've seen firsthand what these drugs can do to people...

I watched my very own doctor dad, the smartest man I ever knew, go from treating his own patients... not being able to talk, or control his own bowels... all because of the side effects of these terrible drugs...

I didn't want that to happen to me.

So I buried myself in research, desperate to find a natural way to solve this terrible blood pressure problem.

I started reading 10-15 medical studies a day.

I even traveled across the globe to talk to men in faraway places like Cambodia and Peru.

This became my life's work -- researching natural cures to these health problems facing men. I quit my job and decided to do this full-time.

I must have spent nearly an entire year just researching this blood pressure/blood flow problem in men...

And then finally, at last, I was hit with a stunning realization...

The reason why all of these blood pressure medications are hurting erections so much comes back to one single thing: blood flow.

As you can see from this diagram, blood pressure medications interfere with blood flowing into the tiny penile arteries.

And this is a big problem because the penis needs great blood flow for great erections.

Blood vessels feed blood from the heart and deliver it to the penis, replenishing the erection chambers with oxygen-rich blood full of nutrients.

And when oxygen-rich blood flows into the erection chambers of the penis, erections come naturally, and they're harder and longer-lasting.

So a healthy man should really have erections all the time, every day and even during the night as he sleeps.

That's why "morning wood" is a great sign -- it's proof that a man is getting great blood flow.

But when morning wood stops and erections become more difficult, this is a sign that blood flow is suffering...

And if you don't use it, you lose it as far as erections go.

That's why it's so important for men to keep getting great blood flow for great erections.

But the blood pressure pills do nothing to fix blood flow, which erections depend on.

In fact, blood pressure pills actually make blood flow worse.

So I needed to come up with a way to improve blood flow and improve erections, so blood pressure would naturally lower on its own...

That's when I came up with the 5+5 method.

The 5+5 method is so simple and so easy, any man can start using it right now, today, and immediately start improving blood flow and improving erections.

When you use the 5+5 method, your pressure starts dropping little by little...

...five points, then another five points, then 10 more points...

Soon you will lower your pressure by 40 points. And each week, it is falling lower and lower...

Were you 160/100? Now you're 120/80. Wow. Just wow.

In fact, you may find your pressure is too low....

And the next time you go to the doctor, he will take your pressure and barely believe what he is seeing...

"I don't know what you're doing," he will say to you, "but whatever it is, keep doing it... you don't need the pills anymore, your pressure is perfect."

But the best part about the 5+5 method will be the amazing erections you will start getting all the time.

Your wife or girlfriend will wake up and look at your impressive morning wood with wide, beautiful eyes...

And you'll be so hard and stay hard for 30 minutes or more, and you'll be able to make love to a woman once, twice, sometimes three times in a day!

And if you use the 5+5 method...

You'll find that you sleep better, your sexual performance is better, you're happier and more energetic...

You'll find that you don't get tired as easily.

And you'll be enjoying bigger, better erections while your blood pressure naturally normalizes on its own.

My 5+5 method is free to any man who wants to avoid harmful blood pressure medications and lower BP the natural way..

I'm giving the report away free in the hopes that you will start benefiting and write me a personal testimony.

That's how confident I am that this will be working great for you.

Now, obviously, I can't make the decision for you, but I don't think it's a coincidence you found this page...

So go ahead and give the 5+5 method a free test drive!

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